#AskRaghav | Everything a Beginner needs to know about Virtual Machines

🔥 All Free Tutorials - After this video take this QUIZ and let me know your SCORE in the comments NOTES: A virtual machine (VM) is a software-based computer that runs inside another physical computer, called the host machine The VM is created and managed by a special software called a hypervisor, which is installed on the host machine Hypervisor provides mechanisms for sharing the physical resources of the host machine among multiple VMs, so that each VM can have its own isolated and secure environment VM Platforms: VirtualBox Amazon EC2 Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Compute Engine DigitalOcean ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Every Like & Subscription gives me great motivation to keep working for you You can support my mission for educatio ... #RaghavPal #Virtual_Machine_Explained_with_Simple_Analogies #The_Beginner’s_Guide_to_Virtual_Machines #how_virtual_machines_work #what_is_the_concept_behind_virtual_machines #Virtual_Machines_for_Dummies:_Understanding_with_Easy_Comparisons #Virtual_Machines_for_Newbies:_Easy-to-Understand_Analogies 20230418 uWPhTu9JX0I
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