UAT | Alpha Beta Testing | #AskRaghav

*User acceptance testing (UAT)* is a type of acceptance testing that is performed by the end user or a representative of the end user. It is designed to evaluate the system from the perspective of the user and ensure that it meets the requirements of the business and is fit for use. UAT is typically the final step in the testing process before the system is deployed, and it is often conducted in the production environment. During UAT, the system is tested in a real-world environment and users are asked to perform a series of tasks to ensure that the system is able to meet their needs. Any issues or defects that are discovered during UAT are documented and addressed before the system is released. UAT is an important step in the development process because it helps to ensure that the system ... #RaghavPal 20220203 BDWAM4tki5w
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