Selenium vs Cypress | #AskRaghav

Video - Selenium and Cypress are both open-source tools that are commonly used for automated testing of web applications. Here are some key differences: [club217840637|*Language] support* : Selenium supports a variety of programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and Ruby. Cypress, on the other hand, only supports JavaScript and TypeScript *Test execution* : Selenium tests are executed remotely, scripts do not run inside the browser. Cypress tests, on the other hand, are executed directly in the browser, which allows for faster test execution and easier debugging. *Test maintenance* : Selenium tests can be more difficult to maintain because they are often dependent on the structure of the web application under test. Cypress tests are typically easier to maintain bec ... #RaghavPal 20220809 GKwqLRwQzJM
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