#AskRaghav | How to conduct Interview

All FREE courses - All Ask Raghav videos - Before the Interview: Shortlist the right candidate(s) Study the Resume Map the experience, knowledge with the job requirements Highlight the relevant points in the Resume During the Interview: Start light, have introductions Keep your questions clear and understandable Provide time to think and respond Appreciate good answers Discuss on the experience and projects worked on Try to bring out the best in the candidate Bring the discussion back on track if needed Look for the right attitude, can learn and perform Can have practical questions with hands-on Can use white board for scenario, explanations, structure etc Understand the candidates expectations, needs Ask if person has any question ... #RaghavPal #how_to_find_right_candidates_for_job #how_to_conduct_qa_jobs #how_to_do_qa_job_interview #job_interview_examples #prepare_for_testing_jobs #how_to_prepare_for_technical_jobs #qa_jobs_interview_experience 20220816 m4sth0C0pvk
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