#AskRaghav | Should I do BDD or NOT |

Basics of BDD by Raghav - Hi Friends, A lot of times, BDD is considered as the process where we use Feature files to write our test scenarios using Gherkin language. BDD is much more than that BDD has to be implemented at organisation level to get its real benefits All FREE courses - #AskRaghav Here I have tried to explain what exactly is BDD, how it is done and after knowing this you can decide if you need to implement BDD or not ____________________________________________________________ Stories by Raghav - My Udemy Courses - Every LIKE & SUBSCRIPTION gives me great motivation to keep wor ... #RaghavPal #how_to_decide_if_you_should_do_bdd_in_your_qa_team #what_exactly_is_bdd #when_you_should_use_BDD #is_cucumber_needed_in_your_qa_teams #what_exactly_will_you_get_after_implementing_bdd #how_to_implement_bdd_in_organization 20220503 EMAyatKG5mY
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