Pharmacy Compounding 101 Recap: USP 800 Cleaning Recommendations for HDs | Esco TaPestle Rx

USP 800 Cleaning Recommendations for Hazardous Drugs (HDs) Get more than just a recap in this week’s episode of Esco TaPestle Rx - Pharmacy compounding 101! Reinforce the recommended USP 800 cleaning recommendations for hazardous drugs (HDs) and retrace the answers to three (3) of the sought-out challenges in last week’s game learning edition. Discover additional insights to each of the cleaning steps as recommended by the USP 800 guidelines. Accidental spills and spill control/management? Learn about how to handle such incidents in the upcoming episode next week. #EscoLifescienceGroup #EscoHealthcare #EscoTaPestleRx #USP800 #HazardousDrugs #Pharmacy #PharmacyCompounding #Cleaning Download our latest newsletter: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Esco TaPestle Rx focuses on pharmacy compounding and radiopharmaceuticals handling applications. The primary goal of Esco TaPestle Rx is to promote
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