Pharmacy Compounding 101: USP 800 | Esco TaPestle Rx

“USP 800 is all about personal protective equipment, engineering controls, and work practices we need to change to protect the health care worker.” - Patricia C. Kienle, RPh, MPA, FASHP USP 800 was published on February 1, 2016, with an implementation date of December 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Esco TaPestle Rx focuses on pharmacy compounding and radiopharmaceuticals handling applications. The primary goal of Esco TaPestle Rx is to promote awareness of safe practices compliant with international guidelines and to aid in the development of safe and proper practice areas, ensuring the welfare of the healthcare workers. Esco TaPestle Rx is built on the legacy of two pharmacists whose oath is to consider the welfare of humanity and the relief of human suffering. Our primary concern is always fundamental in shaping our vision of elevating healthcare by providing access to life sciences tools in developing countries. As a 100
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