Forward Thinking Design | Esco TaPestle Rx

Forward Thinking Designs: Esco represents innovation and forward-thinking designs, which are all coupled with the highest quality standard since 1978. We have the most diverse range of compounding pharmacy equipment. With the evolution of USP 797 & 800, stricter guidelines are set in compounding drugs in healthcare settings. ✔ Esco is the first to launch cGMP-compliant isolators into the field of pharmacy compounding in the United States of America (USA), making it a proven market leader in clean air technology. ✔ ISO Class 5 environment Esco isolators are equipped with H14 HEPA filters, providing a full unidirectional airflow and iso Class 5 (Grade A) environment. ✔ Pressure tested and classified as Class 2 containment enclosures based on ISO 10648-2 standards, providing higher integrity when handling hazardous drugs ✔ Glove Leak Testing: These isolators can be subjected to quantitative glove leak testing to detect pinhole leakages.
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