Pharmacy Compounding 101: Where and How Can Exposure Occur? | Esco TaPestle Rx

Are you a healthcare professional like me? Do you know that you can be possibly exposed to hazardous drugs? Join me and I will show you where and how. Exposure can take place in any healthcare setting... HOW CAN EXPOSURE OCCUR? Every step in handling hazardous drugs may result in exposure if proper precautions are not taken. Now that we know where and how exposure may occur, we also need to know the different types of hazardous drugs we may be exposed to. Tune in next week to learn about the categories of hazardous drugs! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Esco TaPestle Rx focuses on pharmacy compounding and radiopharmaceuticals handling applications. The primary goal of Esco TaPestle Rx is to promote awareness of safe practices compliant with international guidelines and to aid in the development of safe and proper practice areas, ensuring the welfare of the healthcare workers. Esco TaPestle Rx is built on the le
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