Applying Qigong and acupressure to cure autism.

Applying Qigong and acupressure to cure autism. Applying to autistic patients, the method of practicing Qigong is 7 head scratching movements to activate the nerve of the head. Then do exercises to increase jin in xiashao, to replenish the kidney and adjust the brain are Chachacha, 1 forward 1 back, 2 forward 2 back, 4 forward 4 back, and Stamping Forward and Back, increasing yin lowers the real yang. For children with autism to swim a lot, use water (shui) to regulate yang fire, sit and sing Amitabha Buddha (Buddhist) or A Le Lui A (Catholic) songs, sing 2 or 4 verses 1 breath give it both to release yang, (if you sing while you put your hands on both sides of the stomach and liver, you will see the stomach and liver contract, squeeze and bulge along with the song), and to secrete insulin to lower the concentration The sugar in the blood keeps the body temperature from burning, and raises the yang heat to the head, making Xin happy. Press the Shi tian acupoints at the tips of your toes and finger
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