Soft Voxel Bodies Are Super Easy!

There’s plenty information in the SUBTITLES, enabling them is highly recommended! Atomontage Engine supports elastic deformation of high-resolution voxel geometry. And it’s super easy! Both static and dynamic geometry can be deformed elastically in real-time. While many Internet trolls often claim that effects like this aren’t doable with voxels (as if any of them ever dared to try to implement a voxel engine:) the opposite is true - and was true for a couple years now*. This early prototype cannot render characters or other skinned objects realistically, but simple trees and stuff like that is doable already. While it looks like the car weight induced deformation is a physical effect, this solution only uses simulation data without communicating anything back to the simulator. Still it’s more physical than many physics-like stuff you see in games. This was one of the last few remaining features key for AAA games development that AE didn’t provide. I thought it was one of the hardest ones to make but it turned out to be surprisingly easy. The first prototype took just about 5 hours to code. This all makes me feel like the end of polygons is way nearer than people think. I’m now working full-time on this and need your help: Thanks! For more visit the AE homepage: The recent devblog w/ this scene, destructible cars, VR etc: Another recent feature is here: * Dennis Bautembach experimented with dynamic voxel bodies years ago: and other experiments can be found, too.
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