I Tried Recreating Counter Strike 2’s Smoke Grenades

Get 20% Off Free International Shipping with promo code ACEROLA at ! #ad Counter Strike 2 releases soon and it comes with some very innovative smoke grenades! But, how do these smoke grenades work? Why can’t anyone properly recreate them? and can I crack the code? Topics covered include: Frame debugging, voxels, mesh voxelization, flood fill propagation, ray marching, volumetric transmittance, volumetric shadows, worley noise, phase functions, and signed distance functions. Support me on Patreon! Socials: Twitter: Twitch: Discord: Code: References: Real-time Volumetric Cloudscapes of Horizon - Zero Dawn - Music: During The Test - Persona 3 OST Afternoon Break - Persona 3 OST This Mysterious Feeling - Persona 3 OST Fearful Experience - Persona 3 OST Just Like This - Persona 3 OST Soft Oversight - Sonny Boy OST GO!GO!STYLE - Paradise Killer OST Midori Eyes - Paradise Killer OST New Game - World Of Horror OST Junes Theme - Persona 4 OST Sandgem Town (Day) - Pokemon Diamond OST Prof. Omochao - Sonic Adventure 2 OST In a Moment’s Time - Skullgirls OST Title Theme - Cooking Mama OST A New Frontier - VA-11 Hall-A OST Every Day Is Night - VA-11 Hall-A OST Neon District - VA-11 Hall-A OST Climactic Reasoning - Danganronpa 2 OST Thanks for watching! arrow in thumbnail drawn by thlurp This video is dedicated to my friend, Alotryx. #acerola #graphics #gamedev #unity3d #graphics #shaders #counterstrike2
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