Shambhavi Mudra How to do Step by Step Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya - Yoga Mudra for Meditation

Shambhavi Mudra How to do Step by Step Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya - Yoga Mudra for Meditation Shambhavi mudra is highly practiced in yogistic and Tantrik literature texts. Shambhavi is a powerful mudra used throughout meditation to still the mind and to feel or experience higher stages of consciousness. Shambhavi mudra is mentioned within the Hinduism text Gheranda Vedic literature. It basically involves gazing between the eyebrows at center. Gyan Mudra - Sukhasana / Easy Pose - Padmasana / Lotus Pose - Siddhasana | Accomplished Pose - Second Episode of Shambhavi Mudra Series ----► Music Credit :- YouTube, Ben Sound
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