Churchill Paintings (1968)

No title. Sir Winston Churchill’s paintings on display at his country home, Chartwell House, Westerham, Kent. This is a colour item. C/U oil painting by Churchill of himself painting Egyptian landscape. M/S his studio. C/U palette, brush and paints belonging to Churchill. C/U tubes of oil paints. L/S studio, zoom into painting of a pond. C/U painting of Mediterranean landscape. C/U painting of sea. C/U painting of Mediterranean coast. C/U painting of arches in Mediterranean landscape. C/U portrait of a young man. C/U painting of Marrakesh. C/U another painting of Marrakesh. Zoom into C/U of painting of English country garden. L/S wall of studio covered in paintings by Churchill. C/U painting of man reading in garden at Chartwell. C/U painting of gardens at Chartwell. C/U painting of Chartwell and grounds. L/S of Chartwell House, showing same view as that depicted in previous painting. L/S Chartwell with cows grazing in the foreground. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATH
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