Bring Nord - Ultima Thule (Cover by Naliisa)

Jag #sjunger Ultima Thules #låt Bäring Nord. I am #singing a #Swedish group named Ultima Thule’s song Bäring Nord. Found the instrumental version on Spotify. (Mjölners karaoke ) And here is the original song: Here is a playlist with all my Ultima Thule covers: Here is a playlist with all my viking rock songs: All my acapella songs will come out on Spotify, ITunes and more. And thanks to Distrokid the original artists get there share ❤️ Here are the links to the ones i uploaded so far and they have only come out on ITunes. år-1700-acapella/1525063653?i=1525063654 ör-mig-oden-acapella/1525064812?i=1525064814 If you like it then feel free to share and subscribe to follow me on my journey. Thank you for watching. And welcome back ❤ Naliisa: I would love to get better at what i if you like to donate so i can be better for you ❤️ and get a better sound and PAYPAL is: #bäringnord #ultimathule #runa #mjölner #coverbynaliisa #cover #sverige #sweden
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