Butterfly Pull-ups: How to fix the 3 most common mistakes!

Links mentioned in video: FREE Butterfly Pull-up Guide - (strict and kipping too!) WODprep 8 Week Butterfly Pull-up Course - Butterfly Pull-up Blog Post - to download any of our FREE Skill Guides So first of all let’s talk about why in the world we want to do pull-ups that make us look like flopping fish! Butterflies have a very specific reason - they are by far the most efficient way to meet the pull-up standard in CrossFit. The pull-up rep has to begin with arms fully locked out and finish with your chin above the plane of the pull-up bar. Unless specified, how you get from A to B is down to you. So let’s dig into the 3 complaints I hear most when it comes to learning this tricky skill; “I feel like I’m going to hit my face” “I can’t figure out the rhythm” “This feels way harder than I think it should” Recognise any of those? Well, watch this video and I’ll tell you how to fix ea
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