Cooking Bam-i & Rice with Whirly Pinay TLUD Stove, Eco-Kalan Project, June 11, 2015

The cooking performance of the Whirly Pinay, a clay “Top Lit Upward Draft“ (TLUD) stove, is tested in the cooking of Bam-I (6 kg) and Rice (3 kg rice 5 kg water). The fuel is Ipil-Ipil wood (Leucaena leucocephala) - 2.5 kg, costing Php13 pesos (US $0 .28). The cooked food to fuel ratio is 5.6. The amount of cooked food provides a meal for 13 adults. A high moisture content in the firewood will cause the Whirly Pinay to smoke and form soot until the wood dries up. Such was the case in this experimen
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