Thoracic Extension/Rotation Mobility Exercise To Improve Your Squat

I love this variation we did with @thedailykelsey for working on Thoracic extension and rotation, which is something anyone that back Squats needs (and usually doesn’t have). While there’s plenty of drills I’ve shared before that work on that type of mobility, this one is specific as we’re working it from a squat position. ▶️ Stand on two elevated boxes or benches (we could have gone a bit higher for best effect) with a lighter bell. ▶️ Squat down with two hands (think Squatty deadlift with knees driving forward more so than hinging back). ▶️ Let one arm go and let the bell pull the other arm down while you’re opening up and rotating the upper back. Use the weight of the bell to help you create some of that rotation. ▶️ Breathe in deep and every time you exhale try to get a little more range (think more about rotating at your upper back than your shoulder). Do that for 2-3 reps before switching sides. It’s great to test and retest the back squat after doing this drill
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