Липкий Джем 2012

Sticky Jam is a gathering of beautiful people in Moscow - magically strange place with strong heritage of Russian spirit being hidden within the happiness of everyone. Being happy = being close to the spirit, where the spin of the positive vibes and gratitude is opening minds that break through the boundaries of evolution. Sticky Jam concentrates energy on purifying infinite dimensions here and now through the means of musical visual performances - chant for Peace and Harmony throughout and within))) With focus on free art and creativity, Sticky Jam provides cosy environment and cool breeze atmosphere for people searching and\or willing to share and spread love, wisdom, smiles here and now creating Sticky foundation Together We are happy to be a part of industry that turns the Love Light on and lets it shine on you!!! Среди безграничного живого и неживого потока информации и вибраций - путешествуют мысли, которые иногда посещают головы людей. Однажды, какие то н
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