Susan Laughs (With Lámh Signs)

Susan Laughs (With Lámh Signs) Do you use Lámh when you read stories in the classroom or at home? Reading stories with Lámh can be tricky, so I have recorded a new storybook with Lámh signs for you. The story is called “Susan Laughs“. I love this book because of two things. First, the simple story allows me to teach two-word sentences and practice signs for actions and feelings. Second, all children readily identify with Susan and her daily life, and it’s not until the end that the story reveals that Susan uses a wheelchair. In this story, I use some Lámh signs, some natural gestures, and one Irish Sign Language sign, the sign for “laugh“, as it’s not in the Lámh vocabulary. You can find a list of the signs used on my blog. Using signs while reading books can be a bit tricky at first. You may not know all the signs, and it’s hard to read a new story and sign along if you haven’t done it before. But you can become good at it (maybe you are already!). In this video, I want to share with you how I prepare to read stories with Lámh: 1) First, I read the story and highlight the keywords. You don’t need to sign for every single word in the book. Aim to sign the keywords that will help the child follow the storyline. 2) I write those words at the back of the book, so I am clear on what signs I will be using. 3) I practice the signs and check for any signs I might have forgotten. 4) I practice reading the story with signs a few times to get confident before I read the book to my students. 🙋 What Is Lámh? 🙋 Lámh is a manual sign language system used by children with intellectual disabilities and communication difficulties in Ireland. Today, many children with special needs use Lámh to communicate at home, school, and the community. Fortunately, the Lámh community is snowballing with many families, schools, preschools and therapy centres joining in. You can also join in and learn Lámh. How ❓ Learn one new sign every week! 💌 Subscribe To My Newsletter 💌 Please subscribe to my newsletter below if you would like to receive weekly articles and sign videos. * Books read with Lámh * Songs signed with lámh * My Sign Of The Week * Mini training videos Join my weekly newsletter. 🔗 Join one of the Lámh courses I teach. 🔗 You can find more information, advice, courses, training, resources and research on the official Lámh website. 🔗 👍 Credits 👍 Susan Laughs is written by Jeanne Willis and illustrated by Tony Ross
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