Laughing Song - by William Blake (Memorization Song)

I wrote a tune for William Blake’s poem “Laughing Song“ to help people memorize it. This poem was requested by a viewer. Feel free to request a public domain poem that you would like to be put to music. ““Laughing Song“ is a poem published in 1789 by the English poet William Blake. This poem is one of nineteen in Blake’s collection Songs of Innocence.’“ I based my illustration on the illustration William Blake made for his poem “Nurse’s Song“. :Songs_of_Innocence_and_of_Experience-_Nurse’ I adapted the melody from the tune of “Annie Laurie“. ““Annie Laurie“ is an old Scottish song based on a poem said to have been written by William Douglas (1682?–1748) of Dumfriesshire, about his romance with Annie Laurie (1682–1764). The words were modified and the tune was added by Alicia Scott [Lady John Scott] in 1834/5.“ I first heard the song “Annie Laurie“ on the folk band Bittersweet and Briers’ album “Wild Mountain Thyme“ which I highly recommend. ~dfmoses/bittersweetandbriers/ POEM TEXT: When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it; When the meadows laugh with lively green, And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene, When Mary and Susan and Emily With their sweet round mouths sing ‘Ha, Ha, He!’ When the painted birds laugh in the shade, Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread, Come live, and be merry, and join with me, To sing the sweet chorus of ‘Ha, Ha, He!’
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