Ballet warm up lesson before YAGP New York ballet stars Gala fragment-2. Our Lada, 9 years old. 2013

Grand battement jete. Our student Lada 9 years old participated as a young ballet start in a Gala concert with a real world ballet stars, David Koch theater, Lincoln center, NYC, spring 2013. She won in a final 2 place, but danced instead of the 1 place winner in this Gala our choreography - Clown dance from Swan lake with 32 fouetté. It was a HUGE success! Teachers / choreographers - Tatiana Petrova and Vladislav Kuramshin. YAGP 2013 final Gala “Stars of today meet stars of tomorrow“. Vladislav Kuramshin’s Academy of Classical Russian Ballet. Contact us about our summer ballet intensives, online ballet lessons and master classes: russianballetnl@ Our web sites: - If you want to learn classical ballet professionally, even during the difficult for everyone Covid-19 period, purchase our online lessons: - Weekend master class, classical dance, teachers Vladislav Kuramshin and Tatiana Petro
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