Cinetopicalities In Brief No. 122 (1940)

Titles read: “CINETOPICALITIES IN BRIEF“. Various locations of events. Several shots show a cat looking after a white puppy, grooming him and seeming to give him a clout round the head. We then see some little kittens that have been adopted by a dog. The kittens feed from the dog’s teats. (Location of events unknown.) In the Middle West, United States of America we see a farm run entirely by electricity. Various shots of the modern electric milking parlour and an electric incubator for chicks. The farmer’s wife is seen in her modern kitchen, using several labour-saving devices and gadgets. The farmer comments on his easy life, saying since they got all the electric contraptions all he has to do is sit there and smoke a cigar. At a Model Railway Exhibition in Australia, we see various shots of realistic-looking model trains moving along tracks, pulling into stations and going through tunnels. One train derails and crashes. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHAN
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