Немного Нервно | Nemnogo Nervno - Svetley (Brighter) in studio. Part 7: Was it you on that bridge?

Video of the literary-musical performance “Brighter”. Part 7: ’Was it you on that bridge?’ The most striking and honest part of the music performance ’Svetley’ from ’Nemnogo Nervno’. It’s the story of love that is stronger than death. The story about the promise given one life before. Every time I think, what if it’s not just a monologue? What if she’s looking for someone who was on the bridge with her when it exploded? What if she finds him? It’s not an antiwar album. It’s not an electronic Mass. It’s not a stand-up tragedy. It’s not the synthesis of music, prose, and imaginarium. It’s not the three human silhouettes painted black on the crimson tsunami. It’s not a cry for help. It’s not a shot in the void. It’s not a requiem. It’s “Brighter”. ................... Видеоверсия литературно-музыкальной программы “Светлей“. Глава 7: “Это ты был там со мной на мосту?“ Самая удивительная и ис
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