Ceylon Tea Recipe (Homemade Tea) | World Famous Sri Lankan Secret! | Poorna - The nature girl

Tea is one of the most popular drink of all time lankan tea has a very high demand among most of the top level tea manufacturing to the weather and climatic condition in my little beautiful country and following of the proper guidelines in the production, our tea seems to have a good state in the world market The areas where tea is cultivated in sri lanka can be mainly categorized in to two as,upcountry and low country. Though the upcountry tea has a most precious odour, the tea in low country has a most precious odour,an astonishing colour, a brilliant taste which is mostly preferred by the foreigners and also do have a very high nutritional value reason for this is the matured condition of the soil and the weather condition as the tea specialists say. As i am someone living in the low country being surrounded by a tea plantation,made me think to do a video on and my brother had planned a long time,just for this thought to bring you the formation of a
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