11 minutes ago! Apocalypse in Italy and France! Hailstorm the size of a stone! People without homes!

Hailstorms have caused widespread damage across parts of Italy and France, with vineyards and orchards among the hardest hit areas. In Italy, the region of Piedmont was particularly badly affected, with hailstones the size of golf balls causing significant damage to crops and property. Meanwhile, in France, the southwestern region of Aquitaine was hit by a series of hailstorms, damaging vineyards and fruit trees. Local authorities in both countries have been assessing the damage and providing support to affected communities. In Italy, emergency services have been mobilized to clear roads and repair damaged buildings, while farmers have been left counting the cost of ruined crops. In France, vineyard owners have been left devastated by the destruction of this year’s harvest, with some reporting losses of up to 80%. The hailstorms have been attributed to a combination of warm air from the south and cold air from the north, which created unstable atmospheric conditions. Climate experts have warned that extreme weather events such as these could become more common in the future due to climate change. The damage caused by these hailstorms serves as a reminder of the vulnerability of agriculture to the effects of climate change, and the need for greater investment in measures to help farmers adapt. As the impacts of climate change become more apparent, it is clear that urgent action is needed to address this global challenge.
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