Babylon, Jerusalem and the Seat of Satan. WebTV #163
The EU uses two symbols from Bible Prophecy to describe itself: the first, The Tower of Babel, and the second, the Woman Riding the Beast from Revelation 17. An official poster, released by the Council of Europe to promote European Unity, depicted a modern-day Tower of Babel being built by the peoples of Europe, with the slogan, ’Many Tongues, One Voice’. What kind of statement is Europe making about itself?
Another symbol adopted by Europe, as curious as the Tower of Babel, is the Greek myth of the ’Rape of Europa’ (The Greek word ’Europa’ is translated in English as ’Europe’). In every case a wanton woman, Europa, can be seen riding a beast (Revelation 17:1-7). Note especially that the forehead of the woman riding the beast here in the Bible is branded with the name, ’Mystery Babylon’).
The gigantic ’Altar of Pergamon’ or Pergamos dominates Germany’s Pergamon Museum in former East Berlin. Originally sited in Asia Minor, the Temple at Pergam
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