PACS 164A Lecture 24: Gandhian Economics - Part 1

Lecture Transcripts: 0:00:18 Analyzing Violence in the Marketplace 0:06:28 Examples of Violence in Marketing 0:12:28 Conflict Model 0:17:20 Treating Conflict Through Mutual Learning 0:19:57 Circular Economy 0:21:08 Domination vs Mutual Learning 0:24:26 Search for Common Ground 0:30:48 Illusion of Separateness 0:33:55 Separateness vs Dignity 0:36:50 Needs vs Wants 0:43:52 Hind Swaraj and Economics 0:45:22 Distinguishing Needs and Wants 0:50:30 Economics and Suffering 0:52:59 Gross National Product vs Happiness 0:55:32 Human Nature vs Objectification 0:58:54 Sustainable Economy 1:07:29 Mondragon Cooperative - Democratic vs Authoritarian Capitalism For more knowledge about nonviolence, please visit
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