PACS 164A Lecture 21: Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.

Connections between the Civil Rights Movement and India’s Freedom Struggles Lecture Transcript: 0:00:01 Announcements 0:07:08 Connections Between the Indian Freedom Struggle and the Civil Rights Movement 0:09:12 Swadeshi, Swaraj, and Person Power 0:12:50 Gandhi’s Influence on the British 0:16:08 Gandhi’s Influence on the Civil Rights Movement 0:21:20 Importance of training 0:22:39 Gandhi’s Influence on MLK Jr. 0:27:00 A Way Out of No Way 0:30:50 Time for Justice 0:34:44 Inner Transformation - Paradox of Inner Repression 0:40:05 Michael’s Beginnings with Nonviolence 0:41:19 Response of Violence, Cowardice, or Nonviolence 0:43:27 Nonviolence Science 0:44:34 Freedom from Bitterness but not Pain 0:50:41 Acceptance of the Nondual Reality 0:57:21 MLK Jr’s Epiphany 0:59:51 Violence, Bitterness, and Gandhi 1:04:00 Principle of Dignity/Non-embarrassment 1:
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