Greek refugees aid Allied war effort with labour (1916)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Refugees in Salonica repair roads, drill wells, and build huts for the Allied war effort Full Description: GREECE: Macedonia: Salonica: EXT Title: The refugees driven from Serbia are willing helpers at the Allies camps. (8ft) GV. Refugees workers sawing wood. pan wooden framework of huts. (19ft) Title: Drilling an artesian well. Water is a necessity at every camp. (24ft) SV. pan Workers operating drilling rig. (46ft) Title: The constant stream of traffic keeps a large number of men employed repairing roads. (52ft) SV. pan Workmen using pick-axes. (65ft) Title: Even then a lot of transport is done “across country“. (70ft) GV. Horsedrawn carts crossing stream. (109ft) SV. ditto. (111ft) Greece, Salonika, Military - Active Thessalonica, Salonica, trenches, workers, soldiers, wagons, horse-drawn wagons, Wo
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