Christian Prophecy: Ukraine Is Start of WW3, MidEast War Next, w. China - Greek Bishop (Neophytos)
Full English transcript below and at: A famous Greek Bishop relates several prophecies, some of them related only to him by saints while they were living, regarding how WW3 would unfold. It started in Syria, Ukraine was next, and the next phase will be in the Middle East, evolving into a world war, involving China. Neophytos explains the causes of this coming war as explained by Orthodox saints with the gift of prophecy.
Link to original video in Russian, first published Mar 4, 2023 on a Russian channel:
Father Neophytos, my first question is related to Russia and Ukraine. Why did God let it happen? I mean the war in Ukraine…
(Neophytos speaking Greek)
You see, the question should be phrased in a different way. Why did the Lord allow World War III to begin? What is happening in Ukraine is part of the Third World War. This is not the beginning. But it’s not the end either. There are spiritual aspects, but also geopolitical ones. History is in the hands of the Lord.
(Neophytos speaking Greek)
Would you like to discuss why it is happening? Yes. Let us talk about the spiritual aspect, something that very few people take into account… The majority only see the human factor.. They see discord, agreements, and the confrontation between Russia and NATO. They are concerned with energy issues, i.e. suppliers of energy, natural gas, and money. So it is. This is a human aspect.
But there are also spiritual reasons that some of the modern saints have personally disclosed to me. One of these modern saints, who died two years ago, was Elder Galaction from the island of Crete. Another great and holy ascetic and missionary of the Holy Mountain was Elder Ephraim of Arizona. And I read the writings of another Elder who described the whole Ukrainian issue. This is St. Alypia of Kiev. Elders such as Laurentius of Chernigov and Saint Macarius lived in the 20th century. Also, there’s our Elder from Mount Athos, the Great Saint is his icon behind me.. Saint Jacob Tsalikis.
Let’s talk about, for example, Saint Jacob.. One day, when he went to venerate the relics of St. John the Russian on the island of Euboea, he saw the saint as if the latter were alive, and the two saints had a conversation. There is Saint Jacob in his earthly life and the late Saint John the Russian.
At first, Saint Jacob started a friendly conversation and said: “So many people come to venerate your relics, Saint John...“ “How happy you must be!“. St. John answered … “There are many pilgrims,. Father Jacob, but few believers.“ “People are full of disrespect, ignorance, and unbelief.“ “Therefore, in order to set this world right, there has to be a war.“
Saint Jacob was very frightened when he heard this, since he was a refugee from Asia Minor. He had survived wars in his youth. He told St. John: “There is no need for more war!“ “No more wars.“ “My life has been filled with wars.. In 1922, a disaster occurred in Asia Minor.“ “The Turks drove us out of our homes.“ “Then World War II broke out.. Then there was the Greek Civil War.“ “The Communists were at war with the Right.“ “Many people died.“ “Then there were so many conflicts in Cyprus, in Russia, and all over the world.“ “And now there’s war again?“
And St. John the Russian replied: “A war must begin. It must.“ “Otherwise, humanity is not going to change.“ Then, when Saint Jacob himself was retelling this to me (I was still a student at that time) I asked him, “Why do you think St. John the Russian claims that a big war is coming?“
And he told me that the Lord had revealed to him it would happen because the next generation would not give birth to normal ordinary children, but to the devil’s children. Such a thing to say! And he didn’t give any more reasons.
And if you think about it, what are the people of the new generation saying now? That the next generation of children will have a mix of technogenic and human minds. That is, half robot and half human. And I must say, it is being predicted these days! This will be the so-called “metanthropos“ - the “after man“. That is, they want to “upgrade“ what was created by the Triune God. And those saints that I mentioned a little earlier said the same thing, that the next generation, unless the Lord intervenes, will not be in the image and likeness of God. They will be a human species who will, in fact, have dead souls. They will not be able to become saints.
Imagine a society, a humanity, that is not capable of giving birth to saints. Such a world makes no sense.
Now to finish answering your question: The causes of wars, not only in Ukraine, but also in the whole system in which we are currently living, are spiritual. After all, now we are talking about a new human being, and future generations. This includes artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, microchips, etc.
(For continuation of transcript, see link above)
1 view
3 months ago 00:01:05 1
Должно быть смирение! #апокалипсис #живоеокормление #срочно
3 months ago 00:00:53 1
🔔У Господа столько много дивностей❗#диво #Господь #СлаваБогу #РПЦЦИ #Спасение #любовь
4 months ago 00:34:46 1
Мой опыт крещение огнем🔥Митрополит Никодим.
4 months ago 00:03:47 1
🌾Будем доверять Богу⚜ Митрополит Онуфрий
4 months ago 00:06:28 1
❗📢Слово Державного Зосимы📜Готовьте ваши сердца заранее...
4 months ago 00:00:58 1
📣Вы не можете судить Живых Людей! Господь заступится за нас!!☦️
4 months ago 00:00:55 1
🎙️🔴 Уникальная запись с судебного заседания!!! Перед ЛЖЕСУДЬЯМИ не встаю!
4 months ago 00:00:48 1
Бог предупреждает заранее!
4 months ago 00:00:59 1
Мы Чада Бога Живаго!!!
4 months ago 00:00:55 1
Господь всех соберёт как на Успение Божией Матери.
4 months ago 00:01:00 1
📢 Судят Живого! Ульяновский БЕСПРИДЕЛ‼️
4 months ago 00:00:54 2
Илия и Енох есть две маслины...
4 months ago 00:00:42 1
Факт захвата антихристом официальных церквей!!
4 months ago 00:00:58 1
Живых, так называемые судьи, не имею права судить! Но..., только если ты заявишь 📣 себя Живым!
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