Vampyric Winter - My Last Vampyric Winter Among These Ruins (full album, 2023)

Vampyric Winter deliver us a sublime album of painfully sharp melodies, fired straight into the heart of your primal centre, triggering your most elevated animalistic instincts, transcending your human husk to dance with the rhythms of the moonlight. A masterful follow-up to 2021’s debut album of raw nocturnal black metal, My Last Vampyric Winter Among These Ruins delivers five coruscating hymns to the everlasting night of thirsting lust. Multiple formats will be released over the course of the year. Stay tuned for vinyl from Poisonous Sorcery, CDs from Culto Obscuro and cassette Pile of Heads In association with The Noose Of Epicrates. In the meantime, pick up a digital copy to slake your appetite: Band: Vampyric Winter Album: My Last Vampyric Winter Among These Ruins Year: 2023 Label: Poisonous Sorcery / Culto Obscuro / Pile of Heads Productions Country: Spain Genre: Vampyric Blac
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