Metal & Hard Rock releases 2022 - Week 51 (19th - 25th December) - Metal albums 2022

Metal & Hard Rock releases 2022 - New Metal Albums & EP releases Week 51 (19th - 25th December). Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Power Metal, Heavy Metal, Hardcore, Doom Metal, Stoner Metal, Sludge Metal, Hard Rock etc. Check list view of releases on website: New Metal & Hard Rock albums 2022 - Updates every week! Don’t miss any Metal, Hardcore & Hard Rock releases anymore. Subscribe to stay up to date with weekly Metal release updates! #Metalcollision #Metalalbums #Metalreleases :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Background Music provided by Rocksound: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Metal & Hard Rock releases Week 51-2022 (alphabetical order): Absolute Key - The Third Level Of Decay Brandon Cambridge - Celestial Quest II: Prophecy of the Nova Queen Embalm - Prelude to Obscurity Envenomed - Manifest of the Primordial Essence Esophagus - Inglorious Beings Fleshgore - Carnival of Flesh Godwatt - Vol. III Gorekaust - Ancient Halls of Emptiness Grymmstalt - Anthems of Mournful Despondency Imperium of Vanity - Countdown Irae - Assim na Terra como no Inferno Kossuth - Necronym Liv Moon - Our Stories Magistina Saga - Abyss Grey Heron Medenera - L’età degli eroi Occulsed - Parturition of Adulteration Order of Nosferat - Vampiric Wrath Unleashed Picha - Dios me odia y yo a él Rågbröder - Dadfluencer Scalpel - Century in the Boilpit Since the Death - I Belong to Christ Spectral Corruption - Requiem Syndactyly - Tortures of the Inquisition The Alpha Incident - Sundowner The Crippler - I’m Just Gonna Let Myself In This White Mountain - The Pain of Loss Transgresión - ...en un lugar harto de odio... Tusenårseken - Mardr​ö​msmeditationer Ulfdallir - Ульфхединн Vampyric Tyrant - Zorn und Hass Winter ov Thanatoz - Universe Yortsed - Time for Anger
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