Let’s strengthen the shoulders, triceps and biceps in this 20 minute upper body workout! I have included shoulders in this arm workout as for me, I love training shoulders! The timer will be on for 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest! All you will need is your mat and a pair of dumbbells. The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 8kg each. There will be tips throughout, during the rest period. However please ensure you get the most out of this workout by performing full range each movement, controlling the lowering portion and elbows by sides during tricep push ups/presses and curls! SHOULDER PRESS FACING HOLD (x10 sec) TO PRESS ALT PRESS90° AT ELBOW OPEN TO CLOSEALT HAMMER FRONTAL RAISES BOTTOM/TOP/FULL RANGE RAISES LATERAL RAISESHAMMER HOLD TO EXTERNAL ROTATE PALMS UP HOLD W/ALT CURL EXTERNAL ROTATE CURLS CURL PULSES SKULL CRUSHERS OVERHEAD EXTENSION TATE PRESS DIAMOND PRESS (slow eccentric) FASTER TEMPO TRICEP P
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