“Unexplored“ by {In53rt B@nd Nam3}

Kaisen plays guitar and sings! He is a gorilla from Monkeyville! His Cousin is Donkey Kong and he only eats bananas! Edric the drummer is a slimeblob from Slime World! His favorite hobbies are pretending he can fly and playing his Nintendo Switch. Victoria is from the PLANET Pluto (Yes, she said planet). She traveled to Earth in a swiss cheese cannon. Now she sings! Will is the only human in the band! He has grown up playing piano and singing musical theatre! Once he found his alien companions, they started the band. Please Enjoy {In53rt B@nd N@m3}’s music! Edric - Drums - Age 9 Victoria - Voice - Age 12 Will - Voice/Keys - Age 12 Kaisen - Voice/Guitar - Age 12
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