Unexplored Roads : Elena Danaan : kidnapped and rescued by aliens !

EXCLUSIVE !!! After years of nightmares and strange memories, Elena Danaan has decided to follow sessions of quantum hypnosis with Elisa Herrera. She was able to find the memory of what happened to her when she was a child : she was kidnapped by “greys“, aliens, who made experiments on her body. She was rescued by benevolent aliens and she is still in contact with these beings from the Pleiades, because she has a tracker inside her head ! She has written a book about her extraordinary story, with fascinating drawings representing maps of dozens of civilizations in the galaxy, and portraits of aliens that seem to be everywhere in the Universe. In this show, you will witness an amazing channeling of her rescuer, the pilot Thor Han, who delivers a very moving message of hope ! Please note that Elena offers channelings from Thor Han and his crew ! For that, please follow and subscribe : Please follow Elena’s YouTube channel : Please follow also Elisa Herrera’s (QHHT practitioner) YouTube channel : This story is amazing ! It reminds us of the very famous cases of what we call “abductions“, studied by a famous psychiatrist of Harvard, Dr John Mack, who had to recognize, against the establishment, that people who lived such a traumatic experience are totally sane and did not suffer from a mental disease. If you want to know more about John Mack’s work, please read : =sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=john mack&qid=1613646559&sr=8-2 If you want to order Elena’s book, “A Gift from the stars“ : =sr_1_1?crid=3JG0T3UB9VOJI&dchild=1&keywords=elena danaan&qid=1613646680&sprefix=elena dana,aps,232&sr=8-1 Who I am : My name is Philippe Rosset, I live in France. 4 years ago, I made the experience of a huge awakening after personal events, and ever since, I have been traveling around the world to make researches in quantum mechanics, archeology, spiritual healing, flower essences, archeology, paranormal activities. Now, I want to share with you my experiences and my knowledge in these different fields. I try to open your minds : the world is definitely not what you think. It is a co-creation, made by the force of our beliefs and thoughts. I am a firm believer that, if we do change the way we perceive our reality, this reality will change ! It can take a lot of time, but I am patient ! I will do my best to share programs in English and in French. With much love ! Blessings Philippe ROSSET YouTube : Instagram : Facebook :
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