Xiaomi Mosquito Lamp Qualitell K5 Lite

Qualitell Mosquito Lamp K5 Lite (质零 强力灭蚊屋 诱蚊剂配件三个装) Xiaomi Youpin -- The device works on the principle of attracting insects with the help of light and smell and then destroying them with an electric discharge. Also in this killer there is a light sensor, thanks to which the device works only at night ... | light bait - 10 purple lamps (not ultraviolet!) | attractant with the smell of the human body | 500 mAh battery (there is also a 2000 mAh model) | power supply - 5 V 3 W USB Type-C | discharge for killing insects - 3500 V | additionally - day-night mode based on light sensor Buy From Aliexpress ➤
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