Xiaomi Outdoor Portable Mosquito Repellent SOLOVE P6

SOLOVE Outdoor Portable Mosquito Repellent P6 (素乐质造 户外便携式充电宝手持驱蚊器照明灯功能三合一 沙漠迷雾) Xiaomi Youpin -- a camping fumigator with a flashlight function supports the simultaneous installation of two standard repellent plates and can also be additionally a power bank ... Characteristics - two lighting brightness modes emergency SOS, - 9600 mAh battery with autonomy up to 13 hours, - fumigator - heating the plates to a temperature of 110 ° C, - optional double-sided 20W USB Type-C with 5V, 9V, and 12V output, - LED indication of the operating mode and battery capacity push-button control. Buy From Aliexpress ➤
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