Rhema Jan 31, 2022 🎺 Let the Division be made clear & The Rebellion ensue

Text & Audio... Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... Source... Official Website in englisch... The Lord says… Let the Division be made clear & The Rebellion ensue Turn to Me or against Me November 20, 2004 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear I am The Lord your God, I am The Only God; and to you I speak this day of those things which must shortly take place. For the tide has turned, and those married to this world have forsaken Me. They have turned away and fight against Me, yet I shall turn many back again. And though they are a very hard-hearted generation, a very foolish and deceitful generation,
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