Rhema Jan 7, 2022... An Angel shines a Light on God’s unfathomable Ways ❤️ Heavenls Gifts

Text & Audio to Video Content... Coming soon Heavenly Gifts Overview... Video Playlist Heavenly Gifts... The Lord’s Revelations through Jakob Lorber... An Angel shines a Light on God’s unfathomable Ways... Heavenly Gifts - January 16, 1843 The following was spoken by Jakob Lorber to his mother today at her farewell as a parable, which suddenly came to his mind for her comfort, since she was complaining about many bitter experiences. 1. There once was a man who was made to believe by the many sad and tragic events in this world that God did not care much about people, and was quietly watching the weak being oppressed by the powerful and the poor being taken advantage of by the rich. 2. That is when God sent an angel to this man who lived a virtuous life. He said to him: “You shall get
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