DMT Activation Frequency, All Frequencies, Teleport, Telepathy, Psychokinesis DEEP MEDITATION TRANCE

DMT Activation Frequency, All Frequencies Teleport, Telepathy, Psychokinesis DEEP MEDITATION TRANCE LOKOS TV TRINITY LIFE FORCE presents UNIVERSE FREQUENCIES This frequency is a mix made of: 0.5 - 4 Hz Deep Meditation Trance State 1 - 3 Hz Delta Trance State Range 3 - 8 Hz Hypnagogic State Range 4 - 8 Hz Theta State Imagery Range 4 Hz Extrasensory Telepathy Perception 10.5 Hz Unity of Body Mind and Soul Healing 33 Hz Supreme Being Consciousness 120 - 500 Hz Transmutation Psychokinesis 9999 Hz General Vital Energy for Not sleep while meditating ======================================================== About: This audio frequency was created from Luso Deluxe. 0.5 - 4 Hz Deep Meditation Trance State Delta range, Deep dreamless sleep, trance, suspended animation; Anti-aging. Reduces amount of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress & aging. Increases the levels of DHEA (anti-aging) & melatonin (decreases aging process). Associa
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