Divine Yantra - 963Hz Solfeggio Pineal Gland Activation - OM Meditation - Kundalini Activation DMT

Remastered and retimed meditation video aid which was animated originally as an NFT from the artwork “Divine Yantra“ by Hakan Hisim. A vision retrieved from the Tryptamine Hyperdimension. The Divine AUM The Soundless Sound Vibration of the Supreme Seed-Sound of the Universe Eternal song of the Divine The teeming universe is sustained perpetually by the creative vibration of the Divine AUM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At times the motion slows down considerably, this is an intentional effect to shift focus more to the audio. Another variation (even better) to be released within a week ::) Here are some of the Benefits of the 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency ✓Pineal gland activator ✓Aids in opening up the Crown Chakra ✓Helps in removing the mental fog and brings clarity to thought processes. ✓It is the frequency of divine connection ✓Meditating along with 963 Hz can help in establishing a deeper connection with the divine. Chant crown chakra seed mantra ‘AH’ while meditating and you can experience feel that divine cosmic energy entering your body. ✓Gateway to awakening higher consciousness, which leads to deep internal wholeness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original NFT is available here: @HakanHisim/HyperDMT/1 Music and frequencies mixed by Hakan Hisim. This video is for personal use only, contact us to license this video or any others on this channel.
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