Anklepants : general instrument building, button modelling slicing, for dlp 3d printing

Just a quick video from todays, some assembly, then @Rhinoceros3d button final modelling and breakdown, processing for printing, these buttons will be resin printed, slicing workflow also in video in @formware slicer and moulded using more *traditional methods, probably a simple 2 part silicone block mould, then the buttons will be injected cast in silicone, each button is individual out of 4 then just mirrored, was a bit stupid today , looking over some of my modelling process, agh.. oh well, they are done, and on the printer. more soon and thanks. 0:00 general thanks for coming 0:11 caress it 0:17 chassis mounts on build plate 0:32 button array modeling and breakdown in rhino 3d 4:31 slicing for mono x dlp 3d printing 5:34 printing part on the mono x 4k pleaselikesharesubscribe
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