Top 5 Wrestling Takedowns //
This video demonstrates the top 5 Wrestling Takedowns and how to perform them.
These wrestling takedowns are taught by the following \top wrestlers of today including Kyle Dake, Reece Humphrey, Logan Stieber, Bekzod Abdurakhminov, and Gabe Dean. These top wrestling takedowns are as follows:
#5 Low Ankle Shots
#4 Ankle Pic
#3 Go Behind
#2 Double Leg
#1 Single Leg
If you practice these great wrestling take-downs, you’re sure to start winning matches!
Fanatic Wrestling, like it’s sister site BJJ Fanatics was founded by a pair of grappling fanatics dedicated to bringing you the best wrestling competitors and coaches in the world to learn from. They both realized they were missing an entire section of the grappling community so the idea for Fanatic Wresting was born.
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