Barbara Lamb’s Personal Encounters with various types of ALIENS… a MUST WATCH !!!

@UAMNTV - Barbara Lamb, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist, has spent decades since 1991 hypnotically regressing more than 2400 people to details of their encounters with extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings. She was told by an ET that she could have contact with ETs if she sincerely asked for it. She did ask, and since 1994 she has had a few ET encounters, each time with a different type of being and for a different purpose. She will describe these encounters in detail. Barbara Lamb has conducted experiencer support groups at major conferences and in her own home territory. She has trained hypnotherapists in helping people with their extraterrestrial experiences. Lamb has received three Lifetime Achievement Awards for her work with experiencers. She has spoken at numerous conferences here and abroad, and has been interviewed on Beyond Belief, Ancient Aliens, Netflix specials, and many YouTube specials. Her books are: Crop Circles Revealed, Alien Experiences, Meet The Hybr
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