Retired SEAL Team 6 Insider Details the SSP Combat Missions on Jupiter and Saturn... DRACO Troubles

Enjoy Preview of Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure Series. Follow this link to watch over 150 eps from this series – There are spacecraft in operation that the general public is unaware of. After a regression with hypnotherapist Barbara Lamb, Michael Jaco describes his experience of operating craft with extraterrestrial technology. These organic spacecraft are made with nanotechnology that allow the craft to self-heal. Jaco’s recall of combat missions in the Secret Space Program includes encounters with extraterrestrials across our solar system, both on Jupiter and the moons of Saturn. His recovered memories include training with the Venusian beings on love consciousness energy, which allowed him to connect with many extraterrestrial beings. Courtesy of What is GAIA? What other TV SHOWS DOES GAIA HAVE? Are there movies on GAIA? YES!
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