Dr. Vandana Shiva - The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE through Divide & Rule

Our world is design in a paradigm of mechanistic thoughts based on the assumption that we are separate from nature. But in the quantum world, we are all interconnected. There is no separation. When we realise this, we will understand that we just appear different in an interconnected reality. We live in a world where the money is the pockets of a few billionaires at the top who control every aspect of our lives. The billionaires use the divide and rule tactic to divide our society based on our differences, which makes us easier to control. Divide & rule has becomes a necessity for them to stay in power. If we fail to recognise our interconnected with all life and our plant, we will see 99% of life as disposable. We can either create a sustainable plant and share it with love, or we will find disposability built into our structures. 👕 Buy Our Merch here (10% goes to charity): 🙏 If you like my work,
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