Συρία 6 9 2018 Όταν οι Ρώσσοι σκοτώνουν τρομοκράτες η Σατανίστρια Νίκι Χέιλι κλαίει κι οδύρεται

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – SEPTEMBER 6, 2018: RUSSIAN WARPLANES WIPE OUT ARMED UAV WORKSHOP IN IDLIB Su-34 and Su-35S warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed a warehouse of portable anti-aircraft missiles and a workshop where Idlib militants were making armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and kept explosives in store, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov announced on September 5. According to him, the strikes were delivered on September 4, away from populated areas. Konashenkov noted that over the past month 47 UAVs launched by militants have been eliminated near Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base. Earlier, pro-militant sources once again accused the Russian Aerospace Forces of striking civilian targets in the province of Idlib. While some civilian casualties can hardly be avoided, pro-militant sources and mainstream media outlets are often exploiting this narrative.
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