Συρία 18 10 2018 Στην Ουκρανία Ισραηλινοί εκπαιδεύονται ενάντια στους ρωσσικούς S-300 της Συρίας

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – OCTOBER 18, 2018: ISRAEL IS PREPARING TO CHALLENGE S-300 IN SYRIA Two F-15 warplanes of the US-led coalition accidentally struck a unit of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which was involved in the SDF advance on ISIS in the Euphrates Valley, the Russian news agency Sputnik reported on October 17. The strike reportedly killed 6 SDF members and inured 15 others. ISIS terrorists also attacked SDF positions following the incident, according to the report. Despite initial claims by the SDF leadership that the terrorists in the area will soon be defeated there are no signs that the operation will be finished in the near future. The Russian side even claims that the US-led coalition is using the Hajin pocket to justify its illegal presence in the country. So, nobody is hurrying to defeat the terrorists. The Trump administration is preparing to impose sanctions on Russian and Iranian companies involved in the reconstruction of Syria.
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