Kiesinger Arrives (1967)

No title. Dr. Kiesinger arrives at Heathrow for talks (including discussion of the Common Market), Greater London. Various shots Dr. Kiesinger’s plane taxiing to a halt. M/S Foreign Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister George Brown with other officials waiting to greet Dr. Kiesinger. Dr. Kiesinger, West German Chancellor, walking down steps of aircraft and shaking hands with George Brown. Various shots Kiesinger shaking hands with officials. C/U two of the crew of the German Aircraft. Kiesinger and Brown walk off, followed by officials. Interior of No. 10, Downing Street, London. Mrs. Wilson shaking hands with Ted Heath (Edward Heath, leader of the Conservative Party). C/U Mrs. Wilson. M/S James Callaghan and Mrs. Callaghan being greeted by Mrs. Wilson. M/S Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Mrs. Wilson with Dr. Kiesinger being photographed by press. C/U Dr. Kiesinger pan to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and Dr. Kiesinger turn and walk into dining room. FILM ID:
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